Thursday, November 9, 2023

Getting Tattooed by Horiyoshi III

From 2000 to 2012, I traveled annually to Yokohama Japan to be tattooed by the legendary tattoo artist Horiyoshi III. This was perhaps the most interesting experience of my life, so I recorded my experience in a series of blog posts that I hope you will enjoy.

If you intend to read the entire series, I suggest you begin with the first post and read them in chronological order. After you finish a post, view the subsequent post by clicking Newer Post (desktop), or < (mobile device) in the lower left corner.

This blog series originally appeared as a guest blog on website Needles and Sins. I am grateful for the platform that Needles and Sins provided. At some point Needles and Sins went offline, taking my guest blog posts with it. Thus I am re-publishing my experience here, enhanced with better photos, plus a few entirely new posts.